What is the Platforma? Goals and Objectives •  1. Develop anti-war initiatives and promote their collaboration. •  2. Promote the development of democracy and civil society in Russia. Values we share Principles that matter to us Platform members act Join the Platform

About Platforma

What is the Platforma?

Today, the Platforma it's an alliance comprised of 80 anti-war, human rights, humanitarian, educational, cultural, decolonial, LGBTQ+, feminist, and research initiatives and organizations. This network includes independent media, activists, and journalists both within and beyond Russia.

Collectively, we:

  • Stand against the Russian war on Ukraine.
  • Advocate for democracy in Russia.
  • Share the Platform’s mission, goals, values, and principles.


The concept of establishing the Platform of Civic, Anti-War and Humanitarian Initiatives originated during the Congress of Anti-War Initiatives held in Berlin in December 2022. Since then, the Congress has been held annually at the initiative of the Platform and gathers not only Platform members but also a wide range of anti-war and democratic Russians and stakeholders from other countries.

Goals and Objectives

1. Develop anti-war initiatives and promote their collaboration.

  • Support and implement joint initiatives aimed at ending Russian aggression against Ukraine and addressing the aftermath of the war.
  • Unite efforts and act collectively to exchange experience and resources, amplify the voices of Platform participants, enhance public awareness, defend the interests of the anti-war community, and increase its political influence.
  • Foster close cooperation among anti-war projects, initiatives, organizations, and activists, ensuring their sustainability and effectiveness.
  • Expand the circle of activists engaged in anti-war activities.

2. Promote the development of democracy and civil society in Russia.

  • Support and develop civil resistance, civic participation, and self-governance projects and initiatives in Russia.
  • Introduce joint new secure solutions for the development and support of cooperation among democratically-minded Russians, both inside and outside Russia.
  • Engage in a dialogue with international partners: activists, journalists, politicians, and the wider public.
  • Develop joint approaches and positions regarding current issues and events.

Values we share

Platform members base their collaboration on the following values:

Human Rights and Freedoms: Platform members adhere to the principles outlined in the European Convention on Human Rights and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. They are guided by the idea of respecting rights and freedoms, as well as the freedom and dignity of every individual.

Democracy: Platform members adhere to the understanding of democracy as described in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. They support open discussions, consideration of all stakeholders’ opinions, and the desire to reach consensus or compromise when making decisions.

Non-Violence: Platform members do not use means and methods of aggressive violence (such as terrorism, acts of terror, killings, assaults, and torture) to achieve political and civic goals.

Equality and Diversity: Platform Members recognize the importance of equality and diversity. They support access to fundamental rights and consider the opinions of individuals and social groups, regardless of their gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, ethnicity, language, religion, or other identities.

Principles that matter to us

The activities of Platform participants are based on principles that promote fair and effective communication and positive relationships among participants. Voluntariness implies that members in the Platform is based on the free and conscious choice of participants, without coercion or obligation. The horizontal structure is a crucial feature of the Platform, where all members are equal, participate in decision-making, and interact with one another. Every voice carries equal weight. Inclusivity and zero tolerance for discrimination and xenophobia mean that the Platform welcomes diversity and respects all members, regardless of their race, gender, nationality, religion, or other characteristics. Empathy, mutual respect, and support are the foundation of interaction within the Platform, where members strive to understand and support each other, considering their opinions, needs, and vulnerabilities. Civic responsibility implies that Platform members recognize their role in achieving the common goal, take responsibility for their actions, and actively participate in solving societal issues and problems.

Platform members act

  • We are seeking the withdrawal of Russian troops from the territory of the sovereign state of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders, as well as from the territories of other states where Russian armed forces are present, violating international treaties.
  • Help those affected by the war with Ukraine and direct efforts to overcome the consequences of the war.
  • They seek the release of political prisoners in Russia and help those who resist the Putin regime and defend human rights in Russia and beyond.
  • Strive for the establishment of democracy in the Russian Federation, as well as:
    • respect for all human rights;
    • restoration and protection of freedom of speech;
    • free and fair elections at the federal, regional and local levels;
    • freedom of association, assembly, attraction of civil initiatives to discuss and solve common problems and ways to solve them at all levels;
    • establishment of real federalism and expansion of the rights of local self-government;
    • recognition of the rights of indigenous peoples, including the right to self-determination, in accordance with the fundamental documents of the UN and the Council of Europe;
    • approval of a peaceful vector of international politics based on the principles of international law.
  • They are fighting racism, LGBT-phobia, gender inequality and other types of discrimination.
  • They are preparing and launching processes of transitional justice, overcoming the totalitarian past and forming a demand in society for democratic transformation.
  • Engage in other areas of activity that do not contradict the values, goals and objectives of the Platform.

Join the Platform

This can be done by both collectives (organizations, project teams, associations, communities) and individual activists.

By joining the Platform, all participants must share the mission, goals and values of the Platform, and also agree to the rules of cooperation within the framework of the common Platform. Before joining the Platform, all participants undergo verification.

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