
Member organizations

Now the Platform includes more than 80 initiatives and organizations, independent media, activists, journalists and journalists inside Russia and abroad.

Both collectives (organizations, project teams, associations, communities) and individual activists can join the Platform.

Contact email:


A club of travellers who are forced to set off on a journey not of their own free will, but because of political pressure

Democratic Community of Russian-speakers

Political Prisoners. Memorial

We help victims of unlawful, politically motivated criminal prosecution in Russia

Voice of Free Russia

Non-profit international group of Russian artists, producers, journalists and other creative professionals around the world

Krakow for free Russia


Media for students of Russia

Comunità dei Russi Liberi

Diaspora community of anti-war Russians in Milan and Italy

Get Lost!

Helping as many people as possible to avoid being involved in a bloody war of Russia in Ukraine.


Supporting media


Independent media outlet exploring what’s gonna be next

Russians of Warsaw against Putin and the war

Russian Democratic Society, Serbia

Prague Russian Antiwar Committee

Сommunity of Russian speaking people who condemn Putin’s aggression against Ukraine


Foundation is a human rights organization. We bring systemic changes to the daily realities of the Russian LGBT+ community.

Haifa Anti-War Group “Connections”

Soyka NL, Netherlands

Switzerland for All

News in Russian about events and fates of immigrants in Switzerland for creative, active, and compassionate individuals.

The Arc

Russian NGO, supporting people and initiatives who fight against the war with Ukraine and the Putin’s regime.


NDKRUS EV North German Coordination Council Of Russian-Speaking Fellow Citizens.

RADR - Russian America for Democracy in Russia

A non-profit nonpartisan organization. We unite the Russians of the United States who stand for freedom and democracy in Russia, as well as against the war in Ukraine.

Free Russia NRW

An association of the Russian-speaking, democracy-oriented community in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. Together, they strive for the restoration of democracy, peace, freedom, and human rights in the Russian Federation

and also over 30 anonymous participants: activists, activists, initiatives, and associations