
The Manifesto “Sustainable Peace: Our View” has been published

Russian civil society actors have developed a Manifesto about a just peace with Ukraine. The Manifesto also includes: implementing transitional justice measures, democratizing Russia and changing approaches to restoring international security.

Representatives of Russian civil society, experts and activists have developed the Sustainable Peace Manifesto - a document that proposes conditions for achieving a just peace with Ukraine, implementing transitional justice measures, democratizing Russia and changing approaches to restoring international security. The Manifesto was initiated by the participants of the Platform for Civil, Anti-War and Humanitarian Initiatives and prepared by a team of authors for the second anniversary of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

In formulating the Manifesto, its authors proceeded from the premise that a ceasefire, the return of territories and the payment of reparations are not a sufficient guarantee for the establishment of sustainable peace. Only the complete transformation of Russia into a democratic, free society; overcoming the heavy inheritance of large-scale human rights violations, as well as the total dismantling of the ideology of militarism and imperialism can become a guarantee of peace in the future.

The document consists of four chapters: the first on Russia's necessary efforts to reconcile with Ukraine; the second on transitional justice, without which Russia can build neither a just and sustainable peace with Ukraine nor a democracy based on the rule of law; the third on how Russia can come to democracy; and the fourth on how to achieve sustainable peace in the international security system.

The first document of its kind was presented by a coalition of Ukrainian authors and became a starting point for reflection and shaping the views of representatives of Russian civil society. Realizing that dialogue between Ukrainian and Russian societies cannot resume in the face of ongoing aggression, the authors of the Manifesto consider themselves responsible to formulate a vision of post-war justice and peace in order to contribute to the achievement of these goals by all available means.

It may seem that the Manifesto for a Sustainable Peace: Our View is full of controversial statements; it is. One of the objectives of this text is to open up discussion and dialogues about difficult, not yet fully developed ideas. The platform and the creators plan to hold open discussions, collect reactions, comments and continue working to form a joint civic strategy.

The full text of the Manifesto is available on the website of the Platform for Civic, Anti-War and Humanitarian Initiatives (including a brief summary) in Russian, Ukrainian and English and is open for signing at this link.

We will be glad to tell you more about the document itself and its particular points. If you would like to receive comments about the Maifesta, you can contact or the coordinator of the Manifesta - Katya Moroko (,+995551161952).

At the end of March we have scheduled an online presentation and discussion of our Manifesto, if you would like to receive an invitation, please provide your Email here.